デザインのイメージとアーティストを決める |
スタジオにある作品集や本を参考にイメージとアーティストを決めます。 |
デザインが決まったら誓約書にサインし、予約日を決めます。 予約時には身分証明書と予約金(¥5000 - 針、インク代金として)が必要なのでお忘れなく。 タトゥーを入れるには、『18才以上である』等のいろいろな約束があります。誓約書をしっかり確認して、サインしましょう。 遠いところにお住まいの方は、身分証明書のコピー、予約金(¥5000)を現金書留で送って下さい。デザイン、タトゥーを入れたい場所、サイズ、希望日時等を書いて、同封してください。届きしだいこちらから連絡いたしますのでその時に日時を決めて予約完了です。 |
タトゥーを入れる前の注意点 |
前の日は睡眠をよくとりましょう。 前日の飲酒は控えて下さい。 当日は朝食、昼食を必ずとりましょう。 医師の処方を受けている方はスタッフにご相談ください |
まずは下絵を貼ります。 |
最終チェック。 |
アウトラインを入れる はじめは黒のインクで”スジ彫り”と言われるアウトラインから入れていきます。 |
そして、カラーを入れていきます。 |
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1. Remove the bandage protecting the tattooed area. Wash with lukewarm water.
2. Take a hot shower to the point of slight sweating. Do not use a public bath, onsen, etc.
3. Lather well with soap and wash gently. (Medicated soap is desireable)
4. After drying gently with a clean towel keep the tattoo clean. Wash up to three times a day. Spread medicated ointment thinly on the tattoo.
5. After 3 or 4 days some scabbing will occur. (varies by person) In order to prevent the tattoo from fading:
6. Don't drink for the remainder of the day you get the tattoo and don't get drunk for at least another 2 or 3.
7. After the last of the scabs have come off and the skin returns to normal (about 4-6 weeks) come back to the shop and show us your tattoo.
After Care Comics by Kozuru
Q: Do I need an appointment for a consultation? A: No. Feel free to come in any time during our shop hours to discuss your tattoo. Q: Do you have English speaking staff? A: Yes. If you cannot speak Japanese we currently have native English speaking staff who will assist you. Q: Can I be tattooed on the day I come in? A: If we have an opening on the day you come in, then yes. However, it may depend on the size and complexity of your design. Q: Do you take appointments by Phone? A: Unfortunately, we cannot take appointments by phone. Please come in to make an appointment. For customers coming from far away locations, please send a copy of your ID and 5000 yen for your appointment fee in a postal cash envelope (Genkinkakitome in Japanese.) Be sure to note your address, phone number, and if possible, email. Include a letter describing your design, placement, size, color, and available dates and times. Upon receipt, we will contact you and confirm the appointment. Q: Do you have reference material and photos? A: Yes. Staff albums, reference and various other books have been prepared for this purpose. Please feel free to discuss your design with the staff while browsing through our resources. Q: Can I bring in my own design? A: Yes. if you have some reference or photo you'd like us to use, please bring it in. Q: What do I need to bring on my appointment day? A: Bring a form of ID (License, Medical Insurance Card, Passport, etc.) and the appointment fee (5000 yen - ink & needle fee). Q: How old do I have to be to get a tattoo? A: At least 18. We must verify ID when taking all appointments. We will not tattoo high school students. Q: Where is your shop located? |