Red Bull gives you… Part II


Babysitting - and what better environment for an eleven-year-old than a tattoo shop? Poor Maylisse got bored mashing the tips of my markers and colored pencils and got into the spooky (and legendary) Horie mask collection. Can’t tell if she looks more like Sadako or “Tiger Mask.”



Apparently Red Bull doesn’t check to whom they have and haven’t given wings. Always happy to be the unlikely beneficiery of slackerism. Wataru did not want to part with the large novelty can.

レッドブルはまた来た!先週ぐらい訪問したばっかりのに… でも大感謝している!今度のお姉ちゃんたちはちゃんと記録するかなぁ?でっかいアルミ缶はわたるさんの気に入りだった。

overalls DOYLE

More gift art - this time from Doyle visiting Osaka from the states. You know, I still have tons of these in storage back in the states. I could make a book… or a collage… or a blog entry. Fuck, if I can get other people to do the job for me, maybe I could just stop drawing altogether. Why didn’t I think of this before?


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