

You know, you can’t live in a foreign country for years at a time without eventually falling prey to their terrible fashion sense. You need look no further for proof than this month’s issue of KajiKaji fashion magazine. Do some tachi-yomi at your local konbini (don’t pay!) and when you open it up, you will find…



This! No, I’m not proud. I’m merely beating the paparazzi to the punch with the excuse that they were doing their photoshoot outside my apartment. Even worse: these pants haven’t been changed in over a month. I smelled like ass… but apparently my stench reeked with an authenticity that Japanese street fashion will never achieve.



結語: その特集のおかげで、「モヒカンやってくれへん?」とよくお願いされています。今日のお客さんの写真。全然関係ないですけど、アメ村の人気ある「アイスドッグ」を食べています。知っている?ホットドッグやけど肉のかわり:ソフトクリーム!皆さん、まだ寒いけどいっぱい食べてください!

Epilogue: The droopy unkempt mohawk has become so popular as a result of this hideous publication that I now perform more haircuts than tattoos. This satisfied customer is snacking on America Mura’s popular dish, the “Ice Dog.” Which is really (get ready for it) a hot dog made of: ice cream! Go ahead, eat ten!

7 Responses to “火事!火事だ!!!”

  1. aya Says:


  2. Doug Hardy Says:

    Please show us a closeup of that photo in the magazine! You are now famous in Japan. Start your fashion then television career.

  3. Warren and Rosanne Says:

    I see you are still wearing them cams you got from ebay.LOL.

  4. Robin Says:


  5. mongo Says:

    You moved to Japan just to goof off….we DIDN’T HAVE “computers” back in my day.

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