Archive for December 18th, 2005

Music Bar RockRock’s BIG TEN -or- Pair Look Pt. 2?

Sunday, December 18th, 2005





RockRock’s big 10! Congratulations!

My favorite bar in Osaka has finally hit the big one-oh! Shitloads of cool events to celebrate - a full month’s worth! Limited edition T-shirts on tap (check out yon photo, we already got ours!) Pick yours up today while there’s still a chance! Then after all that T-shirt-wearing, lets hit them drinks! We have half a month left! (Stalkers, you know where to find me)

Here’s to another ten years of crawling home from Music Bar Rock Rock! (Embarrassing proof on the Rock Rock photo page) And barring nuclear war, I’ll be there for the 20th anniversary!