Archive for March, 2006

Special Announcement!!!

Thursday, March 30th, 2006


Roy from Amsterdam came and spent a few days in Osaka! He convinced me that my pathetic mohawk (which frankly has been inpotent for some time - thus becoming the “half-hitler-like” Torihada Minoru cut…) must at last come off. Nein! What will the new hairstyle flavor of the week be?! Keep your RSS feeds tuned here for more!



Roy and I also decided to do a picture swap. Didn’t you know? I love doing these! Even just simple ones. I only ever request one kind of picture though - girls in overalls! Oooohhhh yeah! On my old site, there is/was just such a gallery for said pictures. Suppose I’ll have to update that again sometime eh?


overalls itsumi

Aojiru = Bad, Ed Hardy = Good

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2006

kiwa overalls003

Oh yeah! Kiwa in my favorite women’s fashion of all time! This made me happy for the rest of the day - but maybe I shamelessly took a few too many photos - I’m sorry! Can you please forgive me just this once? Sigh, if only today’s fashion more closely resembled that of the American 1990s… Women of Osaka, I’m counting on you!



Nooo!!! Ton beat me to the punch with his blog post!!! Oh well, I’m not wasting this great picture. Hardy-wear is all over America mura’s window fronts and patrons. At Chop everybody is a fashion leader in one way or another, and Ton is no exception!… besides, the brim of the hat does a lovely job of concealing the Ao-jiru-induced expression on his face. C’mon, it tastes just like green tea… and sweaty human skin!

あああ、せっかく撮ったのに屯さんは先にブログを更新したゎ!でももう一度この写真を使わないともったいないと思わない?!チョップの全てのメンバー(僕以外?!)はファッションリーダーとしてうまくいっているので、もちろん最近の人気あるエッドハーディを着ています。青汁のおかげで面白い顔をしているけど帽子でうまく隠しています。味はそんなにまずいですか?抹茶と一緒やで!… んんん、抹茶と皮膚の味かも…


Thursday, March 9th, 2006


You know, you can’t live in a foreign country for years at a time without eventually falling prey to their terrible fashion sense. You need look no further for proof than this month’s issue of KajiKaji fashion magazine. Do some tachi-yomi at your local konbini (don’t pay!) and when you open it up, you will find…



This! No, I’m not proud. I’m merely beating the paparazzi to the punch with the excuse that they were doing their photoshoot outside my apartment. Even worse: these pants haven’t been changed in over a month. I smelled like ass… but apparently my stench reeked with an authenticity that Japanese street fashion will never achieve.



結語: その特集のおかげで、「モヒカンやってくれへん?」とよくお願いされています。今日のお客さんの写真。全然関係ないですけど、アメ村の人気ある「アイスドッグ」を食べています。知っている?ホットドッグやけど肉のかわり:ソフトクリーム!皆さん、まだ寒いけどいっぱい食べてください!

Epilogue: The droopy unkempt mohawk has become so popular as a result of this hideous publication that I now perform more haircuts than tattoos. This satisfied customer is snacking on America Mura’s popular dish, the “Ice Dog.” Which is really (get ready for it) a hot dog made of: ice cream! Go ahead, eat ten!

Dirty Dishes and Doll’s Festival!

Friday, March 3rd, 2006


最近チョップのダウンタウンビルのにはいろんなおもろい店が増えてきた。先月、4回にはデザイン天才のMGXたちも新しい店を開店しました!(MGXはチョップのポスターやいろいろをたまにデザインしている)めっちゃ可愛い感じ!Dirty Dish Refine - ドイツ系の人形、絵本、お皿等いろいろある!僕のお母さんは人形屋さんの店長やからこんなのはめっちゃ好きそう!俺の大大大好きなBlytheもいますよ!俺はLicca,Blythe,Jenny,Pinkyファンって知っていた?でも人形と同じ様に髪はのびないなぁ。(-_-;)

Since today is the Doll’s Festival in Japan, I have an appropriate topic for today:
There’s tons of new shops opening in the Downtown building lately. On the 4th floor, the guys at MGX have started their very own doll/dish/figure shop! Dirty Dish Refine - All sorts of unique items from Europe, especially Germany. And of course, my favorite, custom Blythe dolls! What, you didn’t know I collected Licca, Jenny, Blythe, and Pinky? Yep! Now if only my hair grew like a creepy Japanese doll’s…



MGXdoes their fair share of painting too! Super cute gothy-pink! Painted with housepaint on wood - makes a cool finish!


おぉ!懐かしいGarage Kitじゃない?!MGXのオリジナルキャラクターフィギュアの一個頂きした!うまく作れるかなぁ?塗るのは楽しみや〜!結果をのせるね!

Hey, isn’t that a garage kit? MGX teamed up with a model maker to produce their own original figures - I got one of the kits - let’s see if I can paint it worth a damn! I’ll post the result on here!



Here’s the finished figure complete with it’s own box! I love these things! Fabrication rocks! They sold a bunch of these at Wonder Festival. What’s Won-Fes? Pretty much like Comic Market for figures and models. The largest in Japan (and hence, the world.) Hey Manga, next February take me with you!!!